Festival Accessibility Guide
The Edinburgh TV Festival is committed to providing an inclusive experience for all delegates, and we hope this guide will be helpful in planning your Festival attendance. We encourage you to get in touch with any questions or concerns you may have so we can ensure you get as much out of the Festival as possible.
You can contact us directly either over email at info@thetvfestival.com or by phone on +44(0)207 843 0148. Please also complete the Accessibility section of the Registration Form when you purchase your pass so we have all the information we need to give you a great Festival experience.
Click here to download a text-only word document version of this guide.
Venue Accessibility
All Festival venues are wheelchair accessible. Stewards – identified by their t-shirts and badges – can help direct you to step-free routes to all session rooms and find wheelchair spaces. Please note that wheelchair spaces in the Pentland, Fintry and Sidlaw are subject to availability as these rooms have fixed theatre seats.
An induction loop is available in the Pentland Auditorium in the central section of seats from row F to the rear of the auditorium. To use this, delegates should switch their hearing aids to the “T” position. Additional induction loops may be installed as required.
If you require a copy of the Festival Programme or any other material in a different format please get in touch and we will do our best to assist you.
For all enquiries relating to accessibility and reasonable adjustments please email info@thetvfestival.com, or call +44(0)207 843 0148.
For detailed information on accessibility at our main venue, the EICC, please click below.
Captions & BSL Interpretation
The full Edinburgh TV Festival 2024 programme will be live-captioned. In the Pentland Auditorium captions will appear on the screen. In all other rooms, captions are available on your phone or tablet via QR code. All VTs will be captioned on screen in all rooms.
BSL-interpreted sessions will be marked in the programme. Additional interpreters may be available to be booked on a first come first served basis for meetings and other sessions you may wish to attend. Please visit the Access and Information Desk in the Atrium for details.
Induction Loops
Induction Loops are available in all session rooms:
Moorfoot, Tinto, Pentland and Lennox require a pack. Please ask any member of EICC staff or ask at the Access & Information Desk.
In the Fintry and Sidlaw please switch hearing aids to T.
The Edinburgh TV Festival is a proud supporter of the sunflower for individuals with invisible disabilities, and staff and stewards receive training to recognise the symbol and it’s significance. Lanyards and pins will be available at the information desk should you need them.
Autism Aware
The Edinburgh TV Festival is committed to promoting equality and improving accessibility for everybody. We understand that for some people with autism spectrum conditions (ASC), sensory, or additional needs, attending an event such as this can be a daunting experience.
There are dedicated Quiet Spaces on all floors of the EICC, please see the Festival App or ask a Steward for details. We also have a number of ear defenders available for you to borrow from the Access and Information Desk.
For all enquiries relating to accessibility and reasonable adjustments please email info@thetvfestival.com, or call +44(0)207 843 0148.
You can download a PDF of the EICC Autism Friendly Visitors Guide below.
Quiet Zones
Events like the TV Festival can be overwhelming and we recognise the need to take yourself out of it for a moment. There are three designated Quiet Zones in the EICC that are available to any Festival participants and delegates. They are sign posted as such and we ask delegates to respect their purpose as a respite from the hustle and bustle of the Festival and refrain from using them for meetings or phone calls. Stewards will regularly check that the Quiet Zones are kept as such. Unfortunately we are not able to reduce the lighting in these spaces, however each will have a mix of different seating and some fidget toys which will be cleaned twice a day.
To find the Quiet Zone nearest to you just ask one of our Stewards who can be identified by their t-shirts and badges, or any member of the Festival team and we will be happy to direct you.
This space is one level down from the Atrium where the Registration desks are. It can be reached by a short flight of stairs opposite the Sky Arts space, or by the lift directly opposite Registration.
This space is close to our Press Board so at certain times there will be camera flashes nearby.
Lomond Foyer
This is the most exposed of the Quiet Zones and is just opposite the entrance to the Moorfoot on the ground floor. It has floor to ceiling windows so provides the relief of natural daylight, but may be noisy in between sessions as people enter or leave the Moorfoot.
Platform 5
This is the most secluded Quiet Zone. It's positioned at the back of Platform 5 Café which is the ConnectED Lounge. Head to the back of the space and you will find sofas and comfortable seating behind a room divider.
Platform 5 can be reached by the short staircase heading up from the Sky Arts space, or by the lift directly opposite the Registration desks. This lift opens out directly opposite the Quiet Zone.
Access Coordinator

Kate Lovelock is the independent Access Coordinator on the Edinburgh TV Festival.
The purpose of an Access Coordinator is to make sure Deaf, Disabled, Neurodivergent people and others with access requirements can enjoy and thrive during their time at the Festival without having to advocate for their needs.
If you have any access requirements please contact Kate at kate.lovelock.access@gmail.com and she will be able to discuss your needs with you.
If you are unsure if you need any adjustments you are equally welcome to contact Kate to discuss if anything can be put in place for you to enjoy the Festival.
Any information you share will be kept private, only being used to inform what practically needs to happen on the day. Your information will not be stored after the event.
Kate will also be available in person on the day and will always be contactable via the Access and Information desk in the Atrium, next to Registration.
If email isn’t your preferred method of contact please call the Festival on 0207 278 9515 with your contact information and Kate will be in touch as soon as possible.
Festival App Accessibility
The Festival Programme’s user interface conforms with WCAG 2.1 AA. The user interface handles magnification and reflow well and is mostly keyboard navigable. The programme is screen reader accessible on the desktop browser.
If you have any issues using the website or app, please let us know and we will do our best to find a solution. Please email info@thetvfestival.com, or call +44 (0)207 843 0148.